Plant seeds…and wait for the fruit

Hello! Hello! Oh my goodness how time flies! I looked back and noted that the last time I posted was in 2018. I am writing today because I was “voluntold” by my new Sister in Christ Jeanette who came across my blog and really enjoyed and related to a post I did back in 2013. She related how my words resonated with her, brought comfort, and she encouraged me to continue to write again. Little did she know it had been on my heart to start up this blog again, but I kept procrastinating. The Spirit used her to speak to me so when she told me I was like “ok Lord, I get it, I hear you!”

To me it was so amazing (nothing but God!) that the words I wrote so long ago were able to reach and touch someone 9 years after they were written. I was thinking to myself “my blog is still up?” LOL!! But seriously, how many times have we started something, only to lose interest because we did not see the results we were looking for, the response we were looking for, or plain just lost interest. Just because we did not see the results in our timing, doesn’t mean that they were not coming, they just took some time.

I love pineapples. It takes a pineapple at least 2 years to bear a fruit after it has been planted. So while I may not have been present the 2 or 3 years prior that the fruit was planted in the orchard, I am so thankful to the person that planted it and that I was able to reap the benefits of their labor.

My dad planted some mango seeds at our old house and he never saw the fruits of his labor. It takes about 7 years for a mango tree to bear fruit and my dad passed before he was able to see or taste the fruit. We benefited from his labor, but it took some time and let me tell you, those mangoes were good!

It seems that ever since my Sister in Christ Jeanette reached out to me via the blog, planting seeds has been a reoccurring theme around me. So many times we may do something or say something that we don’t realize has had some lasting effect. Some may say we have “sown a seed”. Be careful though, not only can you sow good seeds, you can also sow bad ones. There are so many things that I have said in my past I wish I could take back. Whoever said “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt!” is a liar! How many of us remember some words that have been said to us or words that we said to others in a heated argument that we wish we could take back that are still remembered today. The Book of James chapter 3 talks about the tongue and the damage it can make. Verse 8 says “but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.” We need to be careful what we say.

Many times we look for immediate satisfaction, that immediate response, that immediate result, but we need to be patient. We need to remember that one sows, one waters, one prunes, and one harvests. The key to remember is that we don’t have to do everything. We each have a part in the process and we may never see the final result, or know how our little part effects the big picture.

It’s a process, and we have to learn to trust the process. Sometimes it’s not for us to even to know what the results are – for in God’s infinite wisdom, he knows the appointed time and the desired result. (it could be 9 years later!) We may not know until we get to heaven, who we touched or who was impacted by our labor, or our “seeds”.

Sowing seeds is a ripple effect. Like throwing a rock in the pond, the rings just expand from the point of origin, and we never know how far they will go or where they will reach. God just wants us to make the effort. He will bless our works and multiply them for His Kingdom. So whatever your are thinking to do that you may be procrastinating, whatever is on your heart, get out there and do it! We just have to be willing to be willing! God will do the rest!

I must admit, it feels good to post something on the blog again. I can’t wait to find out who will be touched by these words in the future! To all of you, God Bless and Sow Seeds!

Until the next time, I’m just tryingtobeamanofgod!

With Brotherly Love,


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